Is this an Eye Emergency?

Many patients wonder what eye problems are considered emergencies and which can wait to be evaluated. Some of our patients may require a visit to the Emergency room while others can be treated at your eye doctor’s office.

There are multiple very serious causes of visual changes or symptoms that you can experience which is why it is important for us to review.

Emergency Eye Problems

  • Loss of vision (blacked out vision) – If, at any point, your vision goes completely black (in one eye or both) you need to see your eye doctor immediately or go straight to the emergency room. DO NOT WAIT. This could be due to a variety of causes, of which many are serious and possibly life threatening.
      • Retinal detachment: may see flashes or floaters, may see curtain of black/lost vision coming over the vision
      • Impending stroke: sudden vision loss (which may return to normal) could mean a blockage in the blood flow to your eye and brain. Go to the ER immediately.
  • Flashes or floaters – this is a sign that the retina is being disturbed and could mean a retinal detachment is happening. Call or visit your eye doctor immediately. If there is an after hours number, contact them but if you are unable to reach your eye doctor, go to the emergency room.
  • Worst headache of my life – headaches by themselves can be caused by everything from stress to tumors. If you are experiencing a headache worse than you have ever had, you need to go to the emergency room. Do not hesitate. You may need additional testing to rule out serious causes.
  • Sudden decrease in vision (blurry) – If there is any sudden change to your vision that is significant, make an appointment to see your eye doctor the same day. Some causes for sudden blurry vision may be a bleed inside the eye, fluid in the retina, swelling of the optic nerve, or inflammation inside the eye.
  • Severe pain – any significant pain in the eye or behind the eye should indicate you need to see your eye doctor immediately. Some causes may be spike in intraocular pressure, corneal abrasion, fluid or pressure behind the eye

*Any of these symptoms require immediate attention or an emergency room visit. 

Urgent Eye Problems

  • Redness – could be due to infection, inflammation, foreign body, dry eyes, subconjunctival bleed, allergies
  • Mild-Moderate Pain – could be due to inflammation, abrasion, stye, pressure behind the eye
  • Mild-moderate Irritation – could be due to dryness, foreign body in the eye, inflammation
  • Slightly blurry vision – if vision slowly or suddenly decreases slightly, this could be due to mild fluid in the retina, corneal edema, or dryness
  • You got something in your eye – whether it be an eyelash, dirt, shampoo, or a chemical the best thing to do is flush your eye with artificial tears or water and call the office. Usually these can be treated at your eye doctor, but if after hours or on the weekend, an emergency visit may be required.

*Urgent symptoms may or may not require an urgent visit to the eye doctor. It is best to call the office and discuss your symptoms to determine the best course of action. 

This list does not include every symptom that requires an urgent or emergency visit. If you feel like something significant changed in your eyes or vision, either contact your doctors office or visit the emergency room. There is no risk in being evaluated, but waiting could possibly lead to damage or vision loss.

If you feel like you have an urgent or emergent problem, contact our office at 954-726-0204.


Dr. Gustavo Garmizo, FAAO
Dr. Gustavo Garmizo
FAAO Board Certified Optometric Physician
West Broward Eyecare Associates